1. Download latest cli from trino.io
  2. Save .trino_config to your $HOME folder
  3. Update .trino_config with your configurations
    1. set user as your API Key
    2. optional - replace the server value for a custom HOST
  4. Run queries as desired
$ trino --execute 'select * from ndaq_rtat10 limit 5'
$ trino --execute 'select * from zacks_hdm limit 5'


  1. Add requirements.txt in a new project folder, or install those PIP libraries into your existing project.
  2. Configure environment variables
    1. NASDAQ_DATA_LINK_API_KEY for your API Key
    2. Optional - NASDAQ_DATA_LINK_BASE_DOMAIN for a custom HOST
  3. Add datalink_sql.py to your project folder
  4. Run datalink_sql.py to invoke sample queries
  5. Additionally, create a new module with your desired queries and reuse helper functions
import datalink_sql
import os

connection = datalink_sql.create_connection(os.environ.copy())
sql = "select * from ndaq_rtat"
df = datalink_sql.run_sql(connection, sql)

As another example, here is sample Python Code to write directly to disk:

import trino
import csv
import os
# save to
fp = "FILENAME.csv"

# env
api_key = os.environ.get("NASDAQ_DATA_LINK_API_KEY")
api_base_domain = os.environ.get(
    "NASDAQ_DATA_LINK_BASE_DOMAIN", "data.nasdaq.com"
# connect to trino
conn = trino.dbapi.connect(
    host= api_base_domain,
# query
sql = """
    select * from ndaq_rtat
# run sql
cur = conn.cursor()
    results = cur.execute(sql, None)
    # header
    header = [c[0] for c in cur.description]
    row_cnt = 0
    with open(fp, "w") as f:
            "Executing SQL result with Trino and writing results to file on disk..."
        write = csv.writer(f)
        for row in iter(results):
            row_cnt += 1



Tested with Python 3

DotNet C#

  1. Add DataLinkSQL.csproj in a new project folder, or install those Nuget packages into your existing project.
  2. Configure environment variables
    1. NASDAQ_DATA_LINK_API_KEY for your API Key
    2. Optional - NASDAQ_DATA_LINK_BASE_DOMAIN for a custom HOST
  3. Add DataLinkSQL.cs to your project folder
  4. Run included Main to invoke sample queries
$ dotnet run --property DefineConstants=INCLUDE_MAIN
  1. Additionally, create a new module with your desired queries and reuse helper functions
using NReco.PrestoAdo;
using static DataLinkSQL;

class MyApp
    static void Main()
        using (PrestoConnection connection = CreateConnection())
            string sql = "...";
            DbDataReader reader = RunSQL(connection, sql);
$ dotnet run



Tested with Python 3


  1. Connect "To a Server" and select "Presto"
  2. Enter configurations as explained in Endpoints, and also set
    1. Authentication: Username
    2. Require SSL: True
  3. Click the magnifying glass next to the "Enter table name" text box
  4. You should now see all your tables. Drag and drop them to build your models.



Tested with Tableau Desktop 2022.2


Install JDBC driver

  1. Download the latest driver from trino.io
  2. Move the driver into a permanent location (where it won't get deleted accidentally); i.e., the DataGrip library folder
    1. in MacOS, this is ~/Library/Application\ Support/JetBrains/DataGrip${VERSION}/jdbc-drivers/
  3. Open DataGrip
  4. Click: File > New > Driver
  5. Fill in fields
    1. Name: Trino 406
    2. General (tab)
      1. Driver files: browse and select the downloaded driver
      2. Class: io.trino.jdbc.TrinoDriver
    3. Options (tab)
      1. Other (section)
        1. Icon: Trino
  6. Click Apply and OK

Set-up Data Source

  1. Open DataGrip
  2. Click: File > New > DataSource > Trino 406
  3. Fill in fields as explained in Endpoints
    1. Name: DataLink
    2. General (tab)
      1. User: your API Key
      2. URL: jdbc:trino://${HOST}:${PORT}/${CATALOG}/${SCHEMA}
  4. Click Apply and OK