Your enterprise's firewall may block Nasdaq Data Link API calls for tables data. As a workaround, consider having your IT department add Nasdaq Data Link to a whitelist or create a proxy server.
‘Whitelisting’ is the use of anti-spam filtering software to allow only specified IP addresses to get through. Whitelist entries are globally allowed. After whitelisting Nasdaq Data Link’s server, access to our data would be uninterrupted despite any matching policies and visits would not be recorded for reports. Whitelisting is often performed by a dedicated IT department or agent within an enterprise.
To whitelist Nasdaq Data Link, provide your IT department with the following credentials:
- host:
- protocol: https
- port: 443
Proxy Servers
Alternatively, your IT department may run a proxy server that acts as an intermediary. Instead of making API requests to Nasdaq Data Link directly, your data requests would be funneled through a proxy server that bridges between Nasdaq Data Link’s private IP-range and the internet.
To create a proxy server, ask your IT department for the following information:
- port
- username
- password
Input the above credentials into your R/Python code snippet.
Updated 11 months ago